
Someone has rightly said, Books are our best friends. There is no companion like books who gives you immense knowledge, motivation, a way of life, a sneak peek into the past and a glimpse of the future. With so many great philosophers and speakers, we have a bundle of books that are way too inspiring. If you are looking for motivation as a student. You must refer to these books to get the motivation to achieve your goals.

1.Getting to yes with yourself by William Ury

If you are struggling to achieve something in life, then this book can give you a solution to reach out to your goals. This book is an inspiring journey to get what you truly want. It gives the essential to communicate with others and be in harmony with yourself.

2.Grit: The power of passion and perseverance by Angela Duckworth

The writer, Angela Duckworth is giving out a new secret to achieving success, what she likes to call it GRIT. The book consists of real-life stories that will inspire you to achieve your goals through passion and perseverance. The book is aimed for every reader regardless of what they are aiming for.

3.The Secret, Rhonda Byrne

The secret will give you a new perspective to look at your goals and a new way to achieve them. This book will give you a new way not only to achieve your goals but also to live your life. The book is based on the concept of law of attraction, which states you attract what you think and how to apply this in your real life. This is a life-changing book.

4. Now, discover your strengths, Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton

This is a great book to change your perspective toward life and how to question the thought process that was given to you as a child. This book will help you discover the strengths that have been lying within you all this while but are suppressed due to many reasons.

5. Get that Frog: Get more of Important things done today, Brian Tracy

An international bestseller, the book is written by an author who is a consultant in self-development and personal effectiveness. So, you can expect a lot of golden lessons and learn how to act towards the achievement of your goals, starting today!
